Living here on Oahu so far has been so much fun. What an exciting adventure for our little family this has been. I am constantly amazed by the beauty that surrounds us. Today we went to our favorite beach on the Island, Waimanalo. The water is beautiful shades of turquoise, the sand is a completely different texture from any other beach I have been to, its so soft and white, and if you look really close it seems as if it made out of smooth tiny little shells. The white sandy beach is not over crowed with tourists as most of the island gems seem to be now a days. You can see out in the distance a few tiny little islands but if you come on a really clear day like today you can even see the soft outline of the Island Molokai. The water was so warm with no under tow I could have played in the waves all day. but as if being surrounded with the wonderful atmosphere wasn't enough, Gabe was able to have part of the morning off and was able to join us here. The girls loved being able to play with their daddy in the sand. they built castles, chased crabs and buried London in the sand and just had so much fun.
The Johnson Family

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