November 8, 2010

Reagan's First Sentence.

      About a week ago Reagan said her first full sentence.... It totally through me for a surprise... I was making her a grilled cheese sandwich (right now thats her favorite thing to eat) and Reagan comes up to me and pulls on my pant leg. I kneel down to her level and say "Yes Sweetheart." to that she says with the sweetest look of concern on her face "Ma, I poops"... I couldn't help but chuckle. I am loving being a mom and I am so grateful to my wonderful husband who works so hard so I am able to stay home and raise her. I cant imagine missing any moments like these...
     The other day, I decided to count how many words Reagan uses on a constant basis... not just when she repeats after us... but when she sees an object or if a situation happens she can come up with the word or animal sound all on her own. I counted 101 but she starts saying new words everyday. I am amazed at how much this little squirt absorbs.... It's great..... but at the same time means we need to be so careful what we say and how we say it.

1 comment:

Sophia said...

This is such a darling post. She is such a cutie!!

The Johnson Family

The Johnson Family


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